Happy New Year from Meab Enamels

Happy new year

Happy New Year from all of us here in Meab Enamels.
The New Year brings with it a whole raft of resolutions and promises. We all know what I’m talking about. Gyms, eat healthier, work harder, work less. The list goes on. We don’t go too mad here at Meab Enamels with this sort of thing. We are just going to try and keep the train moving along nice and smoothly. The business seems to be getting easier thankfully year after year. We are better at what we do and the organisation of all the different aspects of jewellery making is improving all the time. Experience counts for an awful lot and this helps when it comes to making decisions and taking strategic risks in a business. We will endeavour to try and be that little bit better.

Risk taking is part and parcel of a business if you want it to grow. Hell it’s important if you just want to keep it moving along. We took a little risk last year by introducing our new Silk Scarf collection. We put a lot of thought, time and research into this before we ever went into production. I’m glad to say it was a risk worth taking and the response throughout last autumn and right through the Christmas season has been phenomenal. The scarves were loved and purchased by many at the various Christmas craft fairs we attended during November and December. It was fantastic to meet our customers and get their positive feedback on the colour and quality of the new Silk Scarves. Many people matched them with Meab Enamel earrings, pendants and brooches. It is fair to say that they are here to stay!


January at Meab enamels is a busy month always as we attend Showcase, the international trade craft fair in the RDS, Ballsbridge in Dublin www.showcaseireland.com . It runs from Sunday the 21st to Wednesday the 25th of January. We get very busy early in January preparing our trade stand for this and getting a head start in producing jewellery for the eagerly awaited orders that come by attending this wonderful fair. It offers a great opportunity for us to meet all our long standing customers and to welcome new customers and hopefully build up long lasting relationships with them into the future. We usually meet our foreign customers here also and it is normally the only time during the year that we do.

What better way to end January and begin the year than with a big birthday and a skiing trip to the Austrian Alps. That’s what we’re doing anyway! So keep the resolutions realistic and hopefully 2017 will be a happy, healthy, profitable and very fun year for all of us.

Remind later
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