
We are continuously looking for ways to reduce the level of packaging waste we produce. Many of our products, such as our earrings, bracelets, and pendants, are packaged on a story card, rather than a gift box, reducing the wate you have to put into your bin.

We also encourage you to reuse gift boxes that you do receive from of our products. We have chosen these boxes specifically for the durability and effortless aesthetic design, so that you can repurpose of reuse these wherever, and whenever you can.


Silk is a natural protein fibre made from the larvae of a moth. The CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers America) classes silk as one of the more sustainable fires used within the fashion industry. In its untreated form, silk is biodegradable and is less water intensive in its manufacturing process compared to other natural  materials.

However, silk is made from larvae of silkworms who often die during the process of silk production. With this in mind we treat the silk garments that we produce with care and respect to ensure that very little waste occurs in the production process. We are also mindful of where our silk is harvested, and ensure due diligence when choosing a production site that is ethically run.

khaleesi silk scarf
Shape copper base


Did you know that 80% of copper that was ever mined from the earth is still in use today? Meab enamels began producing it’s signature pieces from the copper of old, recycled cylinders. While the business is no longer uses this recycled material, we have refined our manufacturing process to ensure that little to no waste occurs during the process. Our jewellery pieces are handcrafted, and do not require the use of energy intensive or resource exhaustive machinery.

We pride ourselves on handcrafting unique, signature pieces that can be passed down to the people that you love. The pieces that we make ageless, and are not made to fit a particular trend. Instead, wearers boast a classic, timeless, unique style that never goes out of fashion that cannot often be replicated in fast-fashion.