Be Authentic , Be ‘You’ ( & get Creative!)


Nothing is worth more than this day. This day and you being ‘you’. We all have a magic and creativity inside of us . In a world full of plastic copies and media screaming at us about the need for us to change , just be ‘you’. If you’re lost or unhappy look no further than a mirror . There lies the answer. Be authentic , be ‘you’ and wait and see what happens .

Am I Serious ?

Yes I am serious . Who wants to be a ‘ wanna be’ ? There are more of us on the planet than ever before . We can find information about anyone or anything in seconds. So why do so many people feel lost or alone ? Lost souls drowning in a sea of information. We are being bombarded by a digital army , drilling us with ways to change .

Change your Mindset and Get Creative……

Ok , let’s keep it simple . Close the mental door on the external attack. De clutter your mind of the wounding expectations of others and society . Your ammunition will be a simpler and much happier way . Choose how you think about things . 100% of our feeling is arising from our thought in the moment. This is your choice . Life is not a set of circumstances that you were born in to. Life is what we make it or should I say what we choose to think about it .


Think you can and you’re half way there . It is the year 2000. I am siting in a classroom in Carlow IT. I am attending a very short course about starting your own business . At the time I was studying human physiology . It was a good course but not really ‘me’. Up to this point I had sold some Meab pieces on handmade display cards . I had spent a summer in the Wild West of Ireland selling jewellery . I loved it and knew it was more ‘me’ . I ditched the physiology. I started my creative journey and it’s still going ……

Remind later
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